Grupo Sada pa., S.A poultry division in Spain, focuses its activities on the complete management of the entire meat chicken production cycle, from grandparent stock, hatcheries, broiler farms and processing plants, to the distribution and marketing of the final product. Products: Poultry products (Carcass, cut up parts, Poultry further processing products and Services). GrupoSada p.a S.A., is headquartered in Madrid, and it forms an independent Business Unit. It is made up of 9 production plants, equipped with the latest technology, and its commercial network covers the whole of the Spanish territory. It was one of the first European companies to implement a quality assurance system in all of its processing plants and currently all of them are certified with the BRC by the certifying company SGS. In addition, it was pioneer in the implementation of a management system of Safety and Health, certified by SGS, according to the OHSAS 18001. In 2007, GrupoSada was certified with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, thus increasing its commitment to the sustainable development of its businesses and in 2011 obtained the ISO 14064 of carbon footprint reduction.
Role in the project
As feathers producer, Grupo SADA p.a S.A will be involved in the feathers pre-treatment phases and feathers cleaning tests.