The LPMC (http://lpmc.unice.fr/) is a joint laboratory between CNRS and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS). It was founded in 1973 and gathers 52 permanent professors, associated professors and researchers specialized in materials science and peculiar behaviours of condensed matter and over than 50 PhD student and postdoctoral fellows. LPMC has an internationally recognized expertise in several fields including biomass derived materials and valorisation of monomer/polymer from biomass into new commodity materials; kinetics of polymerization/phase transitions, thermo-mechanical and surface characterization, synthesis of conducting and superhydrophobic polymers, complex fluids rheology, interfacial dynamics, plant biomechanics, quantum information, optical fibres. LPMC is turned to international since more than 20% of its staff comes from abroad.
Role in the project
CNRS will play a role during the feather processing technologies phases. CNRS will work on feather valorization focusing on the study of the compatibility between the polymeric chain and the feather fibers. With the aim to develop new biomaterials, CNRS studies will also focus on the combination between keratin and humins. CNRS will conduct investigations on the potential to combine, by copolymerization, these kinds of biopolymers. This activity includes reactivity study, synthesis, characterization of chemical structures, analysis of chemo-rheology during polymerization, optimization of chemical reactions, thermo-mechanical performances of final biomaterial.