SP SVERIGES TEKNISKA FORSKNINGSINSTITUT AB (SP) is a state owned company under the Ministry of Industry. SP is the national institute for technical evaluation, research, testing, certification, metrology and calibration. It works closely with large and small companies, universities, institutes of technology and other organisations, linking fundamental research with particular industrial needs. SP’s activities cover a wide technical range organised in 17 inter-working technical departments, covering 15 broad technology areas, or, alternatively, 6 main business areas. SP also hosts several knowledge centres and research platforms, including Waste Refinery, SP Biofuels, and SP SME. SP provides advisory services to the Swedish government, to government authorities and to national and international standardisation organisations. Cutting edge expertise in a multitude of R&D areas, including Building technology and building physics, Wood technology, Fibre technology, Energy Technology, Environmental technology, Biorefinery, Industrial Process Development, Food and Biotechnology, Fire and Safety, Materials and Polymer technology, Electronics and ICT, and Measurement technology. SP is a notified body for certification, testing and inspection of construction products, and is also accredited for certification of quality and management systems. Most topical for this particular project is the strong interlinked expertise and experience in the areas of biorefinery, waste refinery, wood and fibre technology, and process development.
Role in the project
SP will lead the work on sustainability assessments, as well as the development of business plans through analyses of market opportunities, raw material availability, logistics, costs, and more. Furthermore, SP will contribute to the selection of value-added chemical intermediates, development of novel biobased monomeric and polymeric products and biocomposite products made thereof.